Saturday, May 31, 2014

Japanese happōshu battle with Miki

Suntory doesn't even bother selling happōshu (low-malt beer), so the battle took place among Asahi, Kirin and Sapporo. Ranking was pretty easy: Watery, more watery and most watery. No wonder the happōshu market is so small in terms of products. Since happōshu and some new genre (low-malt beer/spirits mix) taste almost the same, I'm pretty sure people who want to save money on beer would rather buy the cheaper new genre than happōshu which is priced between real beer and new genre. As an interesting side note, while Kirin's Tanrei is sold almost everywhere, you really have to keep your eyes open to find the other two. 

Ranking by Miki
1. Asahi
2. Sapporo
3. Kirin

Ranking by me
1. Asahi
2. Kirin
3. Sapporo

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